How to Become a Top Skilled Web Developer
The most complete and comprehensive web development course
This course is one of the most complete and comprehensive online courses you will ever get to see covering web development from top to bottom.
In more than 30 hours of content, this course will cover all you need to know about how to become a top skilled web developer even if you never programmed before. In this course we will be covering the following subjects:
FrontEnd Development: JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap
BackEnd Development: PHP, MySQL (MySQLi)
This course will give you all the insights on how the Internet works and after you've completed the course, you will have the breadth of knowledge to be able to create your own websites and apps with the latest technology.
What does this course offer that others don't?
Free Web Hosting Forever:
We will provide you an unlimited hostgator account to upload your projects and show them to your friends and clients.
A beautiful portfolio website that you can use as your own:
We will help you create your first portfolio website that you will be able to use as your own and present it to your clients as a professional freelancer.
Professional career complete guidance for the 2016 tech market:
A whole section dedicated on how to start your professional career either as a freelancer or a full-time employee with advice from top experts.
The Complete Freelancer E-Book:
Download the "Complete Freelancer Guide" E-Book for free.
Updated content for 2016:
All the content of this course has been recorded and updated for the 2016 tech market.
30 beautiful HTML5 responsive templates:
Download 30 amazing HTML5 responsive templates for your web projects.
110+ functional forms package:
Create any kind of form (classic, multistep, pop up menu, pop up bottom, modal, without footer and header) with client side and server side validation.
What am I going to get from this course?
- Free Hosting Forever
- "The Complete Freelancer Guide" e-Book
- Certificate of Completion
- 30 Free Responsive Templates
- 50% Discount for "The Advanced Web Developer Course"
- Awesome Portfolio Website
- Make REAL life web apps with our final projects
- Coding Exercises and Challenges
- PDF Manuals and Guides
- Career Advice From Experts
- 24h Support
- Course Updated w/ Latest Techs
- Massive Q&A Community
- All Lectures and Projects Source Codes
- Improvement Suggestions for Course
- 110+ functional forms package
Who should take this course?
- Programmers or non-programmers
- Aspiring Developers
- Entepeneurs
About the Instructor
Have successfully exited his startup in 2011. After joining Rakuten and Recruit helping in their corporate venture capital division. Masa have realised the critical issue of lack of vital education in Japan market. Which lead to go back to the start up scene building an ed-tech company BeSomebody.
BeSomeoboy focus on creating vital education online such as web programming, IOS programming and Excel.
Course content
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