Japanese Learning Course for JLPT N5 Level
You can master
vocabulary, expressions, grammar, and conversation
related to the JLPT N5 level!
The “Online Japanese N5 Course” is Japanese study materials related to the JLPT N5 level.
You can study vocabulary, expressions, and grammar that correspond to the JLPT N5 level.
Furthermore, in order to advance communication proficiency in Japanese, you can watch video clips that show actual N5 level Japanese being used in daily conversations.
All of the narration contains English subtitles, so that those learning Japanese for the first time can freely study the materials.
In addition, for those countries unfamiliar with kanji, all of the Japanese is written in roman letters from Lesson 1 to Lesson 3, and all of the lesson examples are shown in English, so that all learners can study effectively.
Recommended for such people
- Learners who understand English and whose native language is not Japanese (Essentials)
- Learners of elementary Japanese who have, to an extent, mastered hiragana and katakana (Essentials)
- Learners who want to take the JLPT N5
- Learners who want to study business Japanese
- Learners who want to be proficient in conversational Japanese
- Students enrolled in a Japanese language school or majoring in Japanese in college
- International students coming to Japan
- Foreign employees of a Japanese company who need Japanese language training
What you will learn in this course
Lesson 1
わたしは がくせいです。
I am a student.
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Learn basic greetings when meeting somebody for the first time
- Learn basic replies
- How to use “です”
Lesson 2
このひとは だれですか。
Who is this person?
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Learn how to use "kono", "sono" and "ano".
- Learn how to use "kore", "sore" and "are"
- Learn how to say family members in Japanese and how to count the number of people.
Lesson 3
かいぎしつは どこにありますか。
Where is the meeting room?
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Be able to ask and understand locations
- Learn how to use "koko", "soko" and "asoko"
- Read numbers 100 and above
Lesson 4
デパートは、なんじから なんじまでですか。
From what time to what time is the department store open?
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Be able to talk about time
- Learn how to use "から" and "まで"
Lesson 5
かようびに ひろしまへ いきます。
I will go to Hiroshima on Tuesday
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Learn the types and forms of verbs
- Understand the dictionary form andます-form
- How to use particles“へ”,“に”, and“を”
Lesson 6
あきはばらまで、どうやって いきましたか。
How did you go to Akihabara?
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Be able to talk about means of transportation
- Understand the ない-form, て-form, and た-form
- How to use particles “で” and “に”
Lesson 7
いっしょに スキーに 行きませんか。
Would you like to go skiing together?
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Being able to invite someone to do something
- Learn how to use the て-form
- Learn how to use “ています”
Lesson 8
今週は、あまり さむくないです。
It won't be very cold this week
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Understanding Japanese adjectives
- Learn how to use い-adjectives
- Learn how to use the conjunctive particle “が”
Lesson 9
この店は、おいしくて、とても 有名ですよ。
This restaurant is delicious and very famous
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Learn how to use な-adjectives
- Being able to order food in a restaurant
- Learn how to use the particles “から” and “よ”
Lesson 10
あきはばらへ、まんがを 買いに 行きます。
I will go to Akihabara to buy comic books
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Be able to say likes and dislikes
- Learn how to say getting something from someone and giving somebody something
- Learn to use grammar using the ない-form
Lesson 11
あんどうさんは、電話を かけています。
Miss Ando is talking on the phone
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Being able to say the order of things.
- Being able to explain what you and other people are doing now.
- Learn the expressions when people part from each other.
Lesson 12
明日の天気を しらべるね。
I will check tomorrow's weather.
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Talk casually with the familiar people such as friends and family members
- Understanding the polite form and plain form
- Learn how to address people
Lesson 13
わたしは、新しいくつを 買いたいです。
I want to buy new shoes
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Being able to talk about hopes and desires
- Being able to do comparisons
- Being able to say your own opinions, conjectures and judgments
Lesson 14
午後7時に、駅に 来てください。
Please come to the station at 7:00 p.m..
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Being able to convey what you want a person to do, and not to do something
- How to modify a noun with a verb
- Master commonly used counter suffixes
Lesson 15
昨日、としょかんに本を 返すことができませんでした。
I couldn't return the book to the library yesterday.
Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:
- Be able to say interests and abilities and inabilities
- Give two and more examples of many actions.
- How to use “V dictionary form + こと”
- How to use“とき”
By the end of the course, you will be able to do the following things
- Master the basics of writing and pronunciation of Japanese vocabulary
- Master vocabulary, expressions, and grammar related to the JLPT N5 level
- Being able to use basic greetings often used in daily life
- Being able to comprehend hiragana and katakana, as well as read common phrases and sentences written in N5 level Kanji.
- Being able to have short simple conversations in daily life, and understand necessary information
About the Instructor

With more than 15 years of experience in e-learning and education materials, Attain Corp has delivered over 1,000 courses until now.
With its own studio to manage all parts of content creation from scenario and narration production to video recording and editing, it releases stable contents of very high quality.
Attain Corp is always working on delivering the most useful materials to help as many students as possible.
Course content
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